Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Allow me to introduce you to Jake's feline siblings. The oldest is our black American Shorthair Puck. Puck is ten years old and quite cranky when she wants to be. She grew up with my dad's Border Collie and is NOT interested in dogs. She stands on her back legs and boxes Jake's ears. Oberon ("Obie"), our white male Oriental Shorthair, is two years old and prefers to taunt Jake. He drops toys in front of Jake and then howls, "He stole my toy," at top volume when Jake picks the toy up. They play some interesting hide and seek games with the big armchair in the living room. Willow (Obie's true litter sister), our Bluepoint Siamese Oriental Shorthair, prefers to walk on all the counters, sleep on the dressers, and hang out on her window perch. She's just not sure what to think about Jake just yet. As I mentioned before, we were totally cat people before adopting Jake and our cats have equally huge personalities of their own. Jake wants so badly to play with these three. All he's managed so far is a wet, sloppy kiss on their foreheads. They liked that a whole lot!

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