Monday, October 30, 2006


Jake sleeps with a fluffy cow that used to moo. Jake doesn't chew on this Cow which he has had since day one. This Cow is Jake's sleeping buddy. We take Cow everywhere. Cow is Jake's woobie. A couple of months ago his Border Collie uncle Ian killed the moo function and I thought it would be a good time to buy a backup Cow just in case something more dire were to happen to Cow. Jake immediately adopted the new cow and would herd both cows into his kennel at night. Then my husband got a hold of the new cow:

In the spirit of Halloween, I decided just to sew new cow's head back on and we've dubbed him FrankenCow. It's rather hard to sew a head back on when there's no neck but FrankenCow is good as new and back in the crate at night! (My husband now has new instructions to never touch Jake's Cows.)

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