Thursday, October 05, 2006

Third Agility Class -- Jake 10 Months Old

Picture this -- a large marlin flopping around on the end of a thin, taut fishing line and the fisherman pulling with all her might, both feet planted to keep the fisherman upright. Got it? Good, because that's what I look like attached to the other end of Jake's leash at his agility class. Jake gets so hyper that there is no way I can hold Jake and a camera at the same time. Jake LOVES class. Not only are there other dogs present but there are OBSTACLES! He has no fear and every obstacle is a fun game with a cheese treat at the end. Due to all of our dogs being so wound up over the class, there's a strict no-doggy-interaction rule to keep the dogs and their people from getting hurt around the equipment. Thankfully, I am not alone in having to sidetrack my determined dog. Jake doesn't know that he's a short dog. Jake doesn't know that there are rules. Jake doesn't know that he's so strong. Jake just wants to lick everyone, eat everyone's treats, and take everyone's turn on the obstacles. And miracles of miracles, the mosquitos didn't eat me alive this time! (P.S. The picture is of Jake sharing his ball with my baby brother.)

1 comment:

Fast Leopard said...

Baby Brother? hmmm... Anyway, Jake is a social dog. If he did that to Axel, he would be missing some fingers.