Monday, May 07, 2007

Camping with Dad

Jake went on his first camping trip in the mountains of NC. We weren't sure how Jake would react being somewhere strange without his mommy nearby for a whole weekend. I was going to be staying at my mother's, which wasn't far from the campsite. Once their campsite was set up, Jake made friends with an Australian Shepherd named Porter at a neighboring campsite. Apparently Porter likes to play rough like Jake so they had a blast. They were getting so tangled up in the leads that both of their daddies decided to take them a few minutes later both of their daddies were chasing after their dogs! My husband reported that Jake responded to a DOWN and he caught him easily. Jake was a little uneasy being in the tent when they went to bed and kept circling the whole tent. He eventually laid down in his little sleeping bag.

The rain began around 4 AM and didn't stop all day Saturday. My husband, stepdad and stepbrother took Jake with them on a 6 mile hike. Jake was able to be offlead so he ran ahead and then circled back behind all three of them and back to the front. In other words, Jake's 6-mile hike was actually a 12-mile hike. Because it was still raining, only one quick picture of Jake was taken to mark the special occasion. A brief swim in Looking Glass Falls wrapped up their outdoor adventures for the day. My husband brought Jake back to my mother's house for me to dogsit while they went out for BBQ at a dry restaurant. Jake was exhausted!

Jake went back out to the campsite after dinner and made a new friend, a three-legged black lab named Jake. Our Jake was practically in an exercise-induced coma by the time he crawled into the tent. Our ride home on Sunday was very quiet because Jake was still sleeping!

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