Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Wonderful-Smelling Month

Today is Day 30 on the Canine GP and Jake is still enjoying being able to smell. For purposes of his daily journal, I took photos at Day One, Day Fifteen and then again today. As you can see Jake was busy smelling! We have continued to be pleased with the results of using the all-natural supplement. Jake is pleased that he can now eat hamburger, steak and tuna and not have an upset tummy or throw up. He loves being bribed with food that smells so wonderful.

Jake even finds his own balls that get lost in the woods and weeds so no more spider webs or snakes for dear old Mom (which I appreciate greatly). Jake puts his nose to the ground and keeps looking until he finds it instead of giving up and coming back to me for another ball.

Something smells really good over there!

Since you won't let me go see what smells so good, I'm just gonna lay down and make it difficult for you to take pictures.

Oh, well, that marshmellow smells really about a close-up of my smoochy spot?

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