Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Jake's 4th of July

Jake's going on a year and a half now so he got to hear fireworks outside the house last year. All he did was bark his head off at them. So this year my hubby and his best friend decide to have a block party and everyone brings fireworks. We drive up to Charlotte to hubby's best friend's house in separate vehicles so I can leave if the fireworks are too much for Jake. Hubby doesn't feel that Jake will be bothered by the fireworks. We stop at yet another fireworks stand for MORE fireworks. A hot dog stand is open and serving cold cokes so I got Jake a hotdog and me a coke while we were waiting. The hot dog was extremely hot so we drove the rest of the way with Jake begging for the hotdog he can now smell on my side of the car. I handed Jake the hotdog when we got out of the car and he carried it around for half an hour. He greeted everyone with this hotdog sticking out of his mouth. It wasn't until I broke it into pieces that he seemed to realize it was something to eat. Before too many people arrived we played some squeaky tennis ball and you can tell from the huge grin on his face how much he enjoys it.

Then we went to rest in the shade and grill some meat. Since hubby and I were both driving, both of us were drinking the nonalcoholic sort of beverages. Joe's favorite drink of choice is root beer. Jake is lucky enough that Joe always saves him the last sip of that coveted root beer.

One must first sniff the vintage of root beer (now that one can smell, everything must be sniffed first):

One must completely plug the mouth of the bottle first:

One must fully extend tongue to catch every drop (the grass doesn't deserve any):

And finally, one must lower the eyelids and ears and enjoy the taste!

One satisfied rootbeeraholic:

Side note: There are no further pictures after this because the fireworks started and I was too busy with the flying, shaking thirty-pound ball of speckled fur in my lap. We left hubby and his fireworks behind and headed for home shortly after. Jake was very happy that his mommy was looking out for him today! Mean ol' scary fireworks!

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