Monday, February 26, 2007

Jake and His Soccer Ball

To try to make up for the appalling lack of parental camera responsibility on the Herding Fun Day, we set out to take some action shots of Jake and his soccer ball. He starts shrieking the minute the soccer ball and pump come out of the upstairs closet. There isn't a moment of silence while you inflate the ball. It's a mad race down the stairs to the front door and we head to our semi-fenced backyard. Luckily for us, our landlord threw down some grass seed and the yard has bright green, skinny grass to keep the mud levels down. Jake will chase the ball if you kick it, pounce on the ball if you pass it back and forth, and go totalling airborne to head bonk the ball if you bounce it. I had no idea that my soccer skills would help entertain the dog so many years later. I've left my husband (5'10") in the pictures so you can see how high Jake is jumping to reach that ball. Keep in mind that Jake is only 16 inches at the withers.

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